Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is the only IBO course which is taken by every IB student around the world and is therefore an important course for all schools offering the IB program.
In this book, each Area of Knowledge and Way of Knowing is examined thoroughly. Not only is there a clear discussion of problems of knowledge in each Area and Way, but there is also a focus on understanding how sound knowledge is gained in each. Many different divergent points of view are examined throughout, and clear, concise examples illustrate the knowledge issues. This gives a balanced understanding of the topic which allows students to discuss and analyse knowledge issues in depth.
The entire book is geared towards providing the skills needed for writing a high quality TOK paper and giving a well-rounded, and successful TOK presentation. It is filled with dozens of thought provoking activities and exercises which engage the students in fun and creative ways. There are also hundreds of discussion questions which can add to the individual lessons if desired.
- Each Area is sub-divided into several individual lessons which focus on specific elements of what it means to know something, and how we know something, in that Area of Knowledge. The Ways of Knowing are examined by focusing on not only how each way of knowing creates or affects knowledge issues individually, but also how they interact with one another to create and affect knowledge.
- There is also an investigation of how the ways of knowing merge and interact with the different areas of knowledge to give the knower an understanding of the world.
- There are activities to help create an understanding of how to link areas of knowledge and ways of knowing
- Getting the Grade chapters thoroughly explain essay writing and presentation skills and for assessment
These instructional support materials (available in print or eBook versions), regularly updated, cover the complete course (at regular, honors, AP and IB levels), whether it be semester, year or 2-year (IB) with daily support for all aspects of instruction. The Teacher’s Edition includes a syllabus; correlation to standards; daily pacing guide; detailed daily lesson plans; teacher edition of student activity book or lab manual with answers; class notes in PDF (for use as color overheads) and/or editable PowerPoint’s (for use with light projector or smartboard); and complete editable assessments. Classroom sets include 25 printed student books and Teacher Edition with DVD. Samples are available for each course (including complete short-term limited screen view versions in eBook format upon request). After purchase of the Teacher Edition in any of the various editions, student activity books or lab manuals are available for individual purchase. Although the online eBook version is screen view only, other versions are available that allow printing student material.
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